About Us
Paris Lit Up (PLU) is a non-profit association* based in Paris, France. Founded in 2012, it promotes literature and the arts through local and international community events and publishing. This includes a weekly multilingual open mic (hosted in English), weekly writing workshop, monthly translation workshop, outreach workshops, arts showcases, annual tours around Europe, artist residencies and collaborations with other communities. PLU also produces an annual magazine and other publications in order to showcase work from the immediate community and farther afield.
PLU is operated entirely by volunteers, any donations to support our project and its ongoing costs are greatly appreciated. Click here to help.
Our Philosophy
PLU is not one person: it is a network of talented volunteers from around the world. We celebrate diversity, fostering spaces where people of any gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, creed, level of ability, and physical appearance will feel welcome, respected, and safe. This is our perspective as caring people; it is also our position as artists. Creative and original art flourishes best in textured, polyphonic environments — compassion and encouragement inspire artistic communities to bloom.
* Registered under the Loi 1901
Find us on: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Meetup or through info@parislitup.com
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