Paris Lit Up 10 Year Anniversary
Mini festival of poetry, music, workshops and games
Friday and Saturday, 26 and 27 May 2023
In May Paris Lit Up proudly celebrated 10 years of existence. As an association we were proud to put on an event that gathered so many people from our community, giving artists we love an opportunity to perform and celebrate with us. We had home-cooked food, workshops, poetry, prose, music and even a raffle (which was a huge success and great fun!)
A big thank you to our PLU Community Poets: Rufo Quintavalle, Alison Grace Koehler, Nick Calderbank, Ursula Wynne, Jonny Sly, Antonia Klimenko, Biba Ndiaye, Clairette Durand-Gasselin, Claire Andréani, Jack Cooper, Vivienne Vermes, and Anna-Rita Germinario.
The nights would not have been the same without our talented and dedicated musical performers so thank you Grant Chesin, Maleck L’Ange Messenger, John X, Juste Lilly, Mark Norman Harris and La Précieuse.
Wonderful creative workshops were run by Sue Burge and Hákon Magnússon respectively. One a delightful workshop on how to name your poems, the other PLU’s first ever screenwriting workshop. 3615 also made a radiant artistic performance when he painted and wrote out poems from our latest issue of PLUMagazine on the windows of the gallery. Scroll down for pictures.
An immense, heartfelt thank you to the fantastic Jean-Marc Bombeau and his dedicated team at L’Échomusée for supporting us and working alongside us during the two-day long festival.
Last but not least, thank you to everyone who came and showed your support. We are immensely thankful and proud to be part of such a powerful community.
Photography by Luisa Ritter and Leah Soeiro

printemps des poètes 2023
On Saturday, March 25 2023 Paris Lit Up published the multilingual poetry zine UNBOUND for Printemps des Poètes 2023 for which the theme was FRONTIÈRES.
It was a lovely evening of poetry reading from the zine, followed by a round table discussion where Elodie Felix-Kimmel, Antonia Alexandra Klimenko, Laure-Hélène Dardelay, and Camille Adnot spoke about poetry, translation, and existing between languages.