PLU Open Mic interviews: Amy Abdullah Barry
Amy Abdullah Barry will feature at our open mic on Thursday 8 June 2023
Who are you and who do you write for?
I am a short story writer and a poet. Originally from Malaysia now lives in Ireland since 2003. I am a professional member of The Irish Writers Centre and, an Honorary member of the Pablo Neruda Association, Italy. My debut poetry collection is published by Dedalus Press, Ireland.
When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
My background is Journalism. Hence, Creative Writing is new. I took a 7 weeks course in Creative Writing ten years ago. Since then my passion in writing grows. I have been attending several creative writing workshops to develop new skills, new opportunities and networking with other writers. I self-published my poetry chapbook in 2017.
What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Hone your writing skills:
Read, Read, Read. Write, Write, Write. Revise, Revise, Revise.
How do you react to criticism of your work?
Hone your writing skills:
Read, Read, Read. Write, Write, Write. Revise, Revise, Revise.
What do you miss most about the pre-pandemic world?
What I miss most about my pre-pandemic life is the normal routine that I previously took for granted. I miss the personal interaction with other writers.. I miss the simple social events: a coffee or lunch date with friends, my Monday morning at the gym, Writing Group, the monthly meeting with Poets by the Shannon river. Social isolation is a difficult challenge.
How has your work developed over the last 12 months?
Over the last twelve months, I have won a few poetry awards since. I have been awarded Literature bursaries from the Irish Arts Council and Words Ireland. My poems have been translated into many languages. I have been invited to read in Literary festivals in Ireland and internationally. The acceptance of my poetry manuscript in summer of 2022 by one of a top Irish publisher; Dedalus Press is an acknowledgement and endorsement of my work.
What does the future look like to you?
My next goal is to focus work on my second poetry collection and short stories.
What importance has other people’s art had for you and your creative process?
Creative writing helps me connect with others by sharing our experiences through stories or poems I can relate to. This way, I can gain insight into other people’s work while giving them insight into mine. And helps to boost my imagination and creativity.
Have you looked at different ways of expressing yourself or taken on a new medium?
Presently, I am happy to concentrate on Poetry and Short stories. Writing a novel would me my long term goal.
Tell us about someone’s work you admire.
Edwin George Morgan OBE FRSE (27 April 1920 – 19 August 2010) was a Scottish poet and translator associated with the Scottish Renaissance. He is widely recognised as one of the foremost Scottish poets of the 20th century. In 1999, Morgan was made the first Glasgow Poet Laureate. A favourite poem is 'Strawberries' captures a moment of immensely vivid memory, with Morgan recalling an afternoon of freedom and passion eating strawberries and love.
Open to innovation and experimentation in his writing, Morgan wrote concrete poetry, experimental poetry, traditional forms, libretti for opera, and poems about technology and science fiction.
Where can we find more of your work?
My latest work, FLIRTING WITH TIGERS can be purchased at :