PLU Presents featuring Flora Hibberd

PLU Presents continues to surprise and inspire - check out the sixth edition here

This episode of PLU Presents, featuring Flora Hibberd, arrives at a pivotal moment of lockdown-life. Seven weeks have passed; the spring is turning into lush summer, and people are starting to fray. This eclectic collection of music, dance, poems, reflections and rants shines light. Flora’s contribution: a heartfelt and melodious series of songs performed within an historic church, replete with stained glass windows.

“Like the light we drift and drift into the void beneath our feet.” Flora Hibberd

“Like the light we drift and drift into the void beneath our feet.” Flora Hibberd

This week our offering is again bolstered by the videos from The 24 Hour Festival, featuring artistic innovators from all over the world who gathered in Paris a few months past for the L’AiR Arts residency. We are incredibly grateful that these friendships continue to blossom despite the impediments of quarantine, and the distance! Keep up the good work, inspiring friends!

“In the silence of your branches we hear your words” Teya Quarmyne dances for Mother Earth in the 24 Hour Festival’s, “Offering.”

“In the silence of your branches we hear your words” Teya Quarmyne dances for Mother Earth in the 24 Hour Festival’s, “Offering.”

Despite everything, our community flourishes, and you can be a part of it. We invite you to join this historical moment by emailing your work (via WeTransfer) to


·         3-minute max. video (unless you are the feature)

·         save in .mp4 format (please no Youtube links, unless it is the only copy of it)

·         please film horizontally - your camera that is, not necessarily your person

·         name of your piece, the artist, location and any other relevant info in the title

·         decent sound and image quality

·   be careful of copyright material (PLU = COPYLEFT)

·         old or new footage, your submission has to have been made in confinement

“Welcome to the box.” The amazingly expressive Kunji Mark Ikeda articulates the frustration of confinement

“Welcome to the box.” The amazingly expressive Kunji Mark Ikeda articulates the frustration of confinement

List of artists: Flora Hibberd (feature), Chris Newens (host), The 24 Hour Project, Kunji Mark Ikeda, Sabucco, Anshita Koul, Johanna Leira, John Hicks, Jude Kurankyi, Susanne Diesner, Eric Lawrence Taylor, Mary McColley, Teya Quarmyne, Isobel Collyer, Karina Muñiz-Pagán, Mark Norman Harris, Vivienne Vermes, Maria Sweeney, Rufo Quintavalle, Matt Jones, Véronique Marco, Alice Cathelineau, Marin Galland, Ludmilla Schemak, Checheku, Helen Hopcroft.


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