PLU Presents featuring Latin American Poets

No longer bound by the shackles of proximity, PLU Presents reaches all the way to South America in this, our seventh edition.

The spice of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico arrives on the PLU stage with song, dance, and fire. Tenderly curated by César Eduardo, this showcase highlights the vitality of international performers and the beauty of the Spanish language. Special thanks to Tomás Mizrahi, Nicolás Linares, Emma Robles aka Urpichallay, Vinkee QP, Eréndira CB, and Ivan Vergara aka Arde Trinidad, for bringing us so much soul, flair, and beauty.

Tomás Mizrahi open for the Latin American poets with a passionate performance.

Tomás Mizrahi open for the Latin American poets with a passionate performance.

After many weeks of increasingly intricate video art, this video marks a return to the story, with several artists getting vulnerable, building characters, and taking them along a journey. Consider the narratives shared by Ursula Wynne or Nick Calderbank. Both are moving journeys, shot plainly and cleanly - no tricks, just emotion.

It’s an incredible moment of artistic bounty - none of our poetic forbears had so many choices.

Ursula Wynne knocks it out of the park

Ursula Wynne knocks it out of the park

The episode of PLU Presents concludes with our CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for the next issue of our magazine, PLU8. If you’re interested in publishing your work alongside internationally acclaimed artists, please peruse these guidelines, then submit here.

Despite everything, our community flourishes, and you can be a part of it. We invite you to join this historical moment by emailing your work (via WeTransfer) to


·         3-minute max. video (unless you are the feature)

·         save in .mp4 format (please no Youtube links, unless it is the only copy of it)

·         please film horizontally - your camera that is, not necessarily your person

·         name of your piece, the artist, location and any other relevant info in the title

·         decent sound and image quality

·   be careful of copyright material (PLU = COPYLEFT)

·         old or new footage, your submission has to have been made in confinement

List of artists: Tomás Mizrahi, Nicolás Linares, Emma Robles aka Urpichallay, Vinkee QP, Eréndira CB, and Ivan Vergara aka Arde Trinidad (features), César Eduardo (host), Typhen Lee and Tianée Achille, Patrick Williamson Essaouira, Rufo Quintavalle, Maria Sweeney, Marcy Frantom, Matt Jones, Nick Calderbank, Blake Denham, David Love Lewis, Ursula Wynne, Vivienne Vermes, Tony Curtis, Marcy Frantom, John Hicks


Spotlight: Alison Grace Koehler


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